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Retaining Walls


All hardscape is done to order!

Check out Mutual Materials Website for more detailed information.

Once you have a general idea of you project,
give us a call so that we can work you up a quote.


Roman Stack Stone walls are designed for garden walls, short free-standing walls, edging details and raised flower beds. Textured on both faces, these small retaining wall blocks can be used to create straight, curved and serpentine walls that are attractive from any angle.  With three wall unit sizes and two cap sizes and a 90 corner unit, Roman Stack Stone can be used to create truly unique walls. Use the different units separately for simple retaining walls, or combine them for a traditional stonewall look.  Roman Stack Stone is ideal for terraced gardens, free-standing walls, raised planters, tree rings and gravity retaining walls up to 2'-0".
Mutual Materials StackStone

Wall and Cap pcs: 4" x 8"

Wall and Cap pcs: 4" x 12"

Jumbo Wall pcs: 8" x 8" x 6"


Manor Stone retaining wall block offer the versatility and ease-of-use that makes them the ideal landscaping product for a wide variety of projects throughout your yard and garden. They're perfect for retaining walls, tree rings, planters, terraced gardens and steps (using straight-sided units).  Manor Stone is available in several shapes - including radial and flat face and straight and tapered sided units. Mix and match units to create visual interest, cap your wall, or create staircases. In addition, the bottom of each unit is scored so that you can easily create half units.  Manor Stone is ideal for terraced gardens & patios, raised planters, tree rings, steps and gravity retaining walls up to 3'-6".

Straight Sided units: 6" x 16" x 12"

Tapered Sided units: 6" x 16" x 12"  

Corners: 6" x 16' x 8"

Caps: 3" x 18" x 13"

Mutual Materials ManorStone


Now Tuscan Stone comes in three sizes giving you the ultimate versatility in creating walls or paver projects. Tuscan Stone is a unique stone that is ideal for many outdoor projects. Its classic hand chiseled appearance has the look of being aged in the sun for hundreds of years. Tuscan Stone is very versatile and can be used for a variety of projects including low garden walls, planters, columns, lamp posts, and stair treads. Tuscan Stone can be used for vertical retaining walls, (no setback), and walls up to 2' high. Check out our website to see all the creative projects you can do yourself with Tuscan Stone.

4" x 8" x 12"

4" x 8" x 8"

4" x 4" x 8"

Mutual Materials Tuscan Stone
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